Get a Head Start on Client Pitches with AI Strategy & Research

Get a Head Start on Client Pitches with AI Strategy & Research

Who it's for:

Agencies, Independent Marketers

Look, we all know preparing for client pitches can be a real time-suck. Our AI-powered AI Strategy & Research is here to give your agency a competitive edge before you even start working with a client. Here's what it does:

Look, we all know preparing for client pitches can be a real time-suck. Our AI-powered AI Strategy & Research is here to give your agency a competitive edge before you even start working with a client. Here's what it does:

1. Digs Up the Basics

  • Gives you the lowdown on the client's industry

  • Spots what the competition is up to

  • Flags any big trends you should know about

Have a cheat sheet on who you're selling to.

2. Breaks Down the Product

  • Sums up what the product actually does

  • Points out what makes it special

  • Hints at where it might need some work

    Sounds like you know what you are talking about, even when you are new to a product.

3. Figures Out Who Might Buy It

  • Suggests types of people who'd want the product

  • Describes these potential customers

  • Explains why they'd be into it

Have a cheat sheet on who you're selling to.

4. Comes Up With Selling Points

  • Suggests ways to pitch the product

  • Matches what it does with what people need

  • Shows how it's different from other stuff out there

Get a starting point for coming up with a killer pitch.

5. Suggests Where to Advertise

  • Recommends places to get the word out

  • Explains why those places might work

  • Gives ideas for using multiple channels

Became faster at creating plans for new clients.

6. Gives Budget Ideas

  • Suggests how to split up the money

  • Shows what's normal for the industry

  • Highlights where you might get the most bang for your buck

Avoid that awkward 'how much does this cost' conversation early on.

Remember, the AI Strategist isn't doing your job for you. It's just giving you a leg up so you can focus on the creative stuff that really wins clients over.

Here are some examples of strategies/researches that you can get:

Here are some examples of strategies/researches that you can get:

Cruelty-free and vegan beauty products subscription.

An AI app providing users with access to an AI-powered therapist

Practical knowledge of integrating AI into electronic music creation.

Here are some examples of strategies/researches that you can get:

Cruelty-free and vegan beauty products subscription.

An AI app providing users with access to an AI-powered therapist

Practical knowledge of integrating AI into electronic music creation.


Want to see how it works? Try it out and see if it makes your life easier.

Want to see how it works? Try it out and see if it makes your life easier.